What I do find funny are some of the titles these people have in Casino Marketing. Bottom line, your play backs up your copmps, period, whether through casino marketing or the real life agents of the casino marketing division, the casino hosts. In relaity, most people think that just by having a host, you will get soo much more. Hosts, though beneficial for those that have them, are indeed not for everyone. You can't expect to get comped suites and large FB comps without some serious wagering. The basic thig that people need to realize is that the casinos will not comp u big time unless you game and wager big time. How they achieve it is different I agree.
In reality they all work for the same employer, the casino, with the same end in sight, handing out enticements and comps to entice and make gamblers feel welcome and spend money in their casinos. Maybe the post should have been named what's the difference beteween a host and Casino marketing offers. Your input is valued and agree with the main point of your post.